
Frequently Asked Questions on the removal of 50p Stamps

On this page you'll find some of our frequently asked questions, and the answers, relating to the end of our 50p stamp scheme.

If your query has not been answered below, please do feel free to get in touch with our member services team via email (member.services@channelislands.coop) or at one of our member service counters in store (Coop post office counters).

  1. What are the 50p stamps?

The 50p stamp cards were often used as a ‘Christmas club stamp’ and could be purchased throughout the year to help spread the cost of Christmas. Completed 50p stamp cards earned members an extra 5% bonus during December on purchases.

Stamps were bought from a dispensing machine in stores, or at the till. When completed, the cards could be exchanged for cash, deposited into your share account, or used to purchase goods from your Coop.

Stamps were only available to purchase from January to November only, but were granted a 5% bonus when redeemed in December meaning that completed cards would be worth £12.60. 

  1. When do I need to use the 50p stamps by?

There is no end date for the stamps to be used. However, you will be unable to buy 50p stamps from Sunday 2 April 2023 onwards.

  1. How can I redeem my 50p stamps?

There are three ways in which you can redeem your 50p stamps:

  1. Use the 50p stamp cards towards the cost of any goods when paying at a till at any Coop store.
  2. Head to one of our member services counters (at Co-op Post Office counters), at your local Coop and deposit the 50p stamp cards into your share account.
  3. Head to one of our member services counters (at Co-op Post Office counters), at your local Coop and exchange the 50p stamp cards for cash.
  1. Can I still buy 50p stamps for my card?

Sadly, no. Our stores no longer stock the 50p stamps and after Sunday 2 April, you will no longer be able to buy any new 50p stamps from any of the stamp dispensing machines.

  1. What can I do with the 50p stamps I find?

You can do any of the steps as mentioned in the section ‘How can I redeem my 50p stamps?’

  1. I have an incomplete 50p stamp card, will it be honoured?

We understand that as 50p stamps can no longer be purchased, we will accept the value given on any incomplete 50p stamp cards. 

  1. Will there be anything replacing the 50p stamp cards?

If a member wishes to purchase the 50p stamps, they will instead be offered the opportunity to purchase a Coop gift voucher. This can be redeemed at any of our Coop locations, in Jersey or Guernsey, for purchasing goods.

  1. Why are the 50p stamps ceasing?

We understand that the removal of the 50p stamps may cause concern, however we wish to reassure all our members that a lot of consideration was made before deciding on the removal of this scheme.

Firstly, we found that the benefit was only being utilised by a small number of our members. Going forward, we want to introduce benefits for our members that are much more inclusive, wide-ranging and appealing to as many of our members as possible.

Secondly, like the 4p (divi) stamps, we were finding that the machines that issued the stamps were prone to breakages, becoming defunct and costing funds to replace. We believe that there are better ways to invest with your share in our Coop, such as our Member Rewards scheme. 

  1. Will I still get my dividend?

Yes – subject to sufficient profits being made in a financial year, the Board may recommend the payment of a dividend. Any recommendation to pay a dividend is approved at the annual members’ meeting. Any dividend payable would be based upon qualifying purchases made with CI Coop.