
In-store events FAQs

Interested in holding an in-store fundraiser or flag day? Find the answers to all your questions here.

How many bag pack events can I have? 

We allow one bag pack event per charity/organisation per year. But you can also have four ‘non-bag pack’ events.

The maximum is: one bag packing event + four 'non-bag packing' events.

We get many requests to host this kind of fundraising, so these limits are to ensure that every charity gets a chance to do a bag pack.

Already done a bag pack? Why not explore different ideas for raising money and find new ways to raise awareness of your cause to our customers, such as a flag day. 

What is a flag day?

A flag day is a great alternative to a collection day or bag pack event.

At a flag day your charity/organisation is positioned in-store throughout the day to promote your charity and/or sell tickets or small items (such as flags) for a donation.

You can also use a flag day to raise awareness of your charity or organisation and give out leaflets or information about your cause.

I want to hold a treadmill or exercise bike event in your store. Can I do this?

A few organisations have had treadmills and static exercise bikes in-store to raise funds for whatever activity they're doing.

If you’d like to do this, just drop in to one of our Grand Marché stores and have a chat with our managers - they'll be able to confirm whether they can accommodate it in the store before arrangements are made.

When and where can I hold an in-store charity event?

In-store charity events only take place at Grand Marchés and usually on Saturdays. Other days may be requested subject to availability.

These are by far our busiest stores and day, so this can really help you get the best fundraising experience. 

Can I hold an in-store charity event in December?

We have lots of other community projects and charity events happening throughout December, so to help our in-store colleagues at the busiest time of year, we keep the month free of any in-store fundraising events.

That's not to say that we don't do any fundraising at all in December! We still have the Charity Collection Boxes and food donation boxes running throughout the year.

Can I choose what time my event will start and finish?

There are no definitive start and end times for any in-store events. The date and store will be booked exclusively for your event, so you have the freedom to choose what time you start and finish.

Can I hold a cake sale?

We can only sell cakes and food bought from our stores. Many small-print regulations and restrictions prevent us from allowing you to sell homemade food items such as cakes and small bakes at your charity fundraising stalls.

Great! How do I sign up?

Simply fill in our online form to apply to hold your charity event or fundraiser in-store.

I don't think an in-store flag day or charity fundraiser is for me. What other options are there?

One of our charity schemes might be suitable for your charity. These are: collection boxes or donated goods (Jersey only). You can also elect to donate any potential dividend to a charity using their share number, however, please note dividend is only applicable when declared as payable and approved by the Members at each annual meeting. Find out more about our charity schemes.


You can contact us via email at:  member.relations@channelislands.coop