For Dave Cowley and his small team at Guernsey Farm Produce, seeing the results of their hard work and dedication on our shelves gives them an enormous sense of pride.
Although it is a way of life that can be tough with long hours and seven days a week commitment, Dave says that no two days are ever the same. And when he is working in the fields and looking out to a view of Guernsey’s south coast, he says it ‘certainly beats working in an office’.
Growing a business from the roots
Dave’s farming roots began at a young age when he bought his first cow which he kept in his parent’s garden.
He then purchased some land and his first farm and little by little his land has increased, as has his herd and he also diversified into growing potatoes.
He said: ‘I’m lucky to have a small but great team of six with me and we all play a part in the day to day running of the farm.’
Nowadays, Guernsey Farm Produce manages some 800 vergees of farming land which is rotated between potatoes and a herd of some 150 milking cattle. It means that they are one of the larger dairy farms on the island and supply the Guernsey Dairy who then go on to supply the Co-op with fresh, local Guernsey milk.
Local Pride
Being a local producer, Dave has seen the demand for local goods and produce grow in recent years and believes that it’s always a good thing to have the support of islanders.
He said: ‘When you buy local, you are supporting local business and your home environment. We never take it for granted and when people do buy Guernsey produce, it shows the appreciation they have for us, as producers.’
Co-operation is key
Your Co-op has supported Dave’s business for a number of years, supplying stores across Guernsey with locally grown potatoes and Guernsey milk from the Dairy. It’s been a partnership we’ve been proud to support.
Dave explains: ‘I have an excellent relationship with the Co-op which I value highly and it really does give us a sense of pride to bring our locally grown produce to stores and to see it being sold on your shelves.’
What do you think is the best way to enjoy the local taste of Guernsey?
Dave said: ‘There’s so many ways to enjoy local produce. I quite enjoy fresh locally grown new potatoes – but they have to be served with Guernsey butter!
‘But, of course, you can’t beat starting your day with a bowl of cereal and fresh, creamy Guernsey milk. What more could you want?’
We couldn’t agree more.