
Sustainability Framework

Our framework for a more sustainable future: The four pillars


As a civilisation the way we have produced goods, consumed them, and powered our lifestyles, has taken a toll on the planet which is more than the Earth can sustain. This affects everyone and we are committed to being part of the solution.

It’s who we are.


Cooperatives have always seen themselves as deeply rooted in the communities they serve. This is as important for us today as it has been for any time before because we are always local.

It’s where we’re from.


People are the beating heart of retail. Our people are also owners of this business and are deeply committed to the customers they serve.

It’s what we do.


As a retailer we absolutely rely on our partners in the supply chain to provide us with the high-quality goods and produce our customers deserve. It’s not just transactional for us, its relational.

It's how we work.

Sustainable devlopment goals illustration representing coop's four pillars