Leale's Yard - Guernsey
Together we can realise the potential of Leale’s Yard
Belonging is at the core of everything that we do and has been since they opened our first store in 1919.
Our plans for the redevelopment of Leale’s Yard are the embodiment of this value.
Following the approval of the States of Guernsey’s Area Development Framework by the Development & Planning Authority, who also support the proposed development, the site’s redevelopment is now moving forward with submitting a new outline planning application for the redevelopment project on Thursday 7 April 2022.
Our vision for Leale’s Yard
Our vision for the project is ‘to make a real difference to the communities we serve’ and benefit the priority themes below:

The Coop and our Development Partner will be able to invest more in local charities and the community.

Direct investment delivering short-term economic activity. Long-term tax and revenue generated on property and commercial trade.

Development of the Leale’s Yard site will enable investment in infrastructure, supporting wider regeneration plans for St Sampson and The Bridge area.

Over 320 units of new accommodation across development of the entire site.

Plans align with Guernsey Work Plan, the proposed Harbour Action Area and development of eastern seaboard.

The Coop’s agreement with our delivery partners will enable promises to be made as part of the planning process to deliver the construction activities within a five year period, thereby ensuring delivery will happen.
The location. The proposal.
The brownfield site, which covers an area of over 330,000 ft2 (that is equal to almost 4½ football pitches), has been left unoccupied for over 20 years. It is now subject to a third planning application for a comprehensive proposal that will provide several benefits to the wider area.
Current view of Leale’s Yard
Impression of completed redevelopment
The Coop and our Development Partner will work to deliver the first of the new homes and buildings within three years of successful approval, and the entire development within five years.

- Community-led development with arrangement to minimise traffic in general in the centre.
- Over 1 acre of new, publicly accessible green space created.
- 19,000 ft2 of green space.
- 9,000 ft2 of civic space.
- 1.85 miles of active lifestyle / non-vehicle paths.
- 5,500 ft2 of new community space.
- Shared mobility schemes for electric cars, bikes and scooters.

- Over 320 new units of accommodation, in 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom configurations, suitable for individuals, couples, and families.
- Equivalent to 1% of Guernsey’s existing housing stock of new homes, ready in three years from start on site.
- More new homes on this one development than have been completed in Guernsey in the last two years.
- Energy-efficient and high-performing, thereby reducing hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions saved over a lifetime.

- 20,000 ft2 next generation food retail store.
- 77,000 ft2 of new commercial (light industrial) space adjacent to existing Lowlands estate.

- Over 300 spaces for shoppers, residents and local businesses.
- 10 times more parking than presently available along The Bridge.

- £50m+ of private investment, the majority on local suppliers delivering construction and consultancy services.
- £150m+ of local maintenance spend during occupation.
- 50+ jobs created during construction.
- 125+ jobs secured after completion.
- £30m+ of direct / indirect tax generated.

What is different with this planning application?
This application follows the approval of the States of Guernsey's Area Development Framework by the Development & Planning Authority, who also support the proposed development. The Coop have also pre-agreed the terms of a Development Agreementwith our Developer Partner, JW Rihoy and Son, which brings about a firm intent a firm intent of the parties to plan and deliver the development.
What will the development mean for the existing housing crisis in Guernsey?
It will bring hope and opportunity for those seeking a new home in the future. One of the main aims of the proposed development is to provide the area with over 320 new energy-efficient homes, in 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom configurations. The development will also include homes designated for affordable housing. This is a significant scale development, equivalent to 1% of the existing housing stock on the Island. The Coop and the Development Partner are aiming to provide the first homes on the development with three years of approvals, and complete all buildings within five years.
What are the environmental implications?
Environmental sustainability is one the key themes for the project with plans for a 19,000 ft2 green space and 9,000 ft2 civic space. Further domestic gardens will be spread throughout the development, in addition to low-carbon, low energy buildings. The development will also incorporate a host of environmental features that will help Guernsey reduce it’s carbon footprint, including solar panels, low-energy heating systems, shared mobility transport schemes, and measures to promote active transport methods, like cycling and walking.
How much will this cost?
It is estimated that the initial capital investment will be in excess of £50 million.
How long will it take?
It is presently envisaged the redevelopment will be complete so that the first homes and other buildings will be completed within within 3 years of receiving a successful planning approval, and the whole development will be completed within 5 years of commencement.
We believe that this will be one of the most significant and forward-thinking builds in Guernsey. It is through teamwork and co-operation that we have been able to reach this landmark achievement, which is why we want to extend a special thanks to our members and colleagues who have been with us at every stage of our journey.
We would also like to show our gratitude and appreciation to Rihoy and Son, DRP Architecture Limited, HLG Associates for their support throughout the project.
Download the project development overview.