Applying to be a Director
Applying to be a Director
As a co-operative, we’ve been at the heart of Island life for over 100 years and it’s our members who help us to continue to support our local community.
There is now the opportunity for eligible members to help shape our future direction by standing for election to serve as a Director on our board.
Meet our Directors
Want to hear what’s it like being on our board?
Listen to our Directors talking about their experiences and the rewards of being part of the Coop.
Who can apply?
There are number of requirements that members who want to stand for election need to meet:
These include:
- Being a member of the Society for at least two years
- In the cases of a joint account, be the first named party on that account
- Have spent a minimum of £1,300 across our stores between Monday 15 January 2024 and Sunday 12 January 2025
- Not currently being a colleague of the Society
To find out if you are eligible to stand for election, you can read the full criteria in our Rule 10.19 Eligibility to be a Director.
What skills are we looking for?
We’re particularly looking for eligible applicants with senior leadership experience in:
- Retail
- Information Technology
- E-commerce & Fulfilment
- Sustainability
- Pay and benefits
- Risk & Compliance
- Finance
- Telecoms
All member elected directors are expected to have:
- A deep commitment to the International Co-operative Alliances Values & Principles
- Proven strategic, financial and commercial skills
- The insight and experience to provide independent oversight to the Society’s governance
- Senior leadership experience preferably at Board level or equivalent in commercial enterprises, the public or third sectors
Ready to apply?
To apply to stand for election, you’ll need to complete our online form which you can access by clicking below.
You will also need to complete a basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) which will need to be sent to the email address provided in the application form. We’ll refund any cost incurred to you for this. To request a basic DBS check, please click here.
Applications close on Friday 21st March 2025 at 7pm.
About us
We have a turnover of over £208 million, property assets of more than £132 million and over 1,000 colleagues.
Our business includes food and non-food retail, online grocery, sub-post offices, fuel forecourts, pharmacies, funeral services and financial services.