
Social inclusion and accessibility

Social inclusion and accessibility

Encouraging social inclusion and increasing accessibility across our islands is so important for the community as a whole, so we love supporting projects that help make life a little bit easier and more enjoyable for everyone. Have a look at some of the social inclusion and accessibility projects we've supported below. 

Autumn 2023

Happy Heroes - children with additional needs 

We run an inclusive playgroup, currently once a month for children up to the age of 10 with additional needs, their siblings, and parents/carers. Funding will provide Specialist play equipment. 

Amount donated: £500


Jersey Employment Trust 

We are working to make our buildings as accessible as possible. This is particularly important as we support people with disabilities and health conditions. We require two hearing loops, one at our Oakfield building and one for a meeting room at Acorn. The portable device for Oakfield could also be taken to our Job Club in St Helier when necessary. 

Amount donated: £300


Jersey Freshwater Angling Association 

The old Tamba Park site was used extensively by the public when open  and subsequently closed , it remained unused and is  increasingly overgrown and is not being utilised by the company who is supportive of helping the Community .The Board Northern Leaf Limited has considered a proposal by the Jersey Freshwater Angling Association for the benefit of the Community .Funding will provide Paths and adaptations for the public to access the site. 

Amount donated: £2,000


The Shelter Trust

We offer accommodation, support, and a way forward for homeless women. The 2 flats offer mothers an opportunity to reconnect with their children, thereby beginning the complicated and often difficult process of putting the pieces of their family life back together. Funding will cover dressing the beds for families to stay. 

Amount donated: £2,000


The Jersey Gardening Club

The Jersey Gardening Club has been run by a group of dedicated individuals for over forty years, providing stimulating and educational talks on gardening practices to the local community. Funding will help replace our very heavy projector screen for a modern lighter version to aid transportation and update our projector and provide a club laptop for speakers. 

Amount donated: £800


Jersey Festival Choir 

Each year we put on a Carol concert at St Thomas which is always full to capacity. There is no charge entry but each year we ask our members to nominate a local charity to support at retiring collection. We are looking for support to cover the cost of hire of church, hall, and song sheets  

Amount donated: £1,500


Spring 2023

23rd Jersey (St Lawrence) Scout Group

This funding will support the cost of participating in scouting activities for low-income families, so that 23rd Jersey Scout Group can continue to be as inclusive as possible by actively engaging and supporting all children and young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. The money will be used to support families with the costs in participating in scouting activities.

Amount donated: £500


AllMatters Neurodiverse Jersey

The Neurodiverse Explorers Book Club pilot project is an innovative way of introducing primary aged children to the concept of Neurodiversity and the importance of inclusion. By reading these beautifully illustrated new books about our differences it introduces and normalises primary aged children to the idea of Neurodiversity and explains how this is relevant to school and daily life.

Amount donated: £500


The Salvation Army Jersey

These funds will go towards purchasing seed, compost and additional tools, and painting and repairing the honesty box at the Salvation Army's garden in Grouville. The therapeutic gardening project is based in their small field in Gorey, where they work in partnership with the Government of Jersey Learning Disability Service to provide therapeutic horticulture to adults with additional learning needs. Veg from the field is used to make the daily free soup in their café.

Amount donated: £800*


Jersey Employment Trust

Three full-time Employment Co-ordinators work with young people in schools, helping them transition to employment. The biggest referral now relates to mental health. JET are now raising their profile and want to refresh their image with young people. The money will fund a package of resources to engage young people at careers fairs, made by Acorn Woodshack from reused timber. It will include a giant Jenga game and noughts and crosses which will be used to ask questions about the service.

Amount donated: £250


Autumn 2022


Jersey Child Care Trust 

Best Start Plus Nursery Funding Programme: The Programme funds part-time (up to 12 hours a week) nursery placements for children aged between 2-3 years old who are not meeting their age expected developmental milestones at two and whose families are living in or just above the poverty line. Funding is needed to provide three family events/pop in sessions for the families we are supporting and provide ‘busy boxes’ to engage in activities with their children at home. 

Amount donated: £1140 


Sanctuary Trust 

Level 1 culinary course: Highlands College apprenticeship culinary course to help one of the residents to better his education and lower his chances of reoffending if he can secure work in his field of interest 

Amount donated: £1600 *


Beresford Street Kitchen 

Equipment for The BSK Academy : As we head into our 2nd year, we will have double the amount of attendees and so need more equipment for the classroom. This grant will help fund equipment for the academy such as a printer, laptops and interactive white boards. 

Amount donated: £2000 


JSPCA Animals' Shelter 

Pat & Chat  : Pat & Chat is an adults-only monthly group session that gives the older members of our community to meet over coffee and biscuits and enjoy the company of some of the animals. The aim of this group is to combat loneliness and promote good mental health The funds would also be spent on the drinks, biscuits and cakes for 12 months. We usually have around 20-25 visitors per month. 

Amount donated: £900 


Spring 2022



Jersey Brain Tumour Charity 

Community Support - Funds will support rent to hold regular buddy meetings for those diagnosed or impacted by a Brain Tumour (BT) and who might be struggling to maintain their pre-BT way of life or are recovering from BT treatments including operations. 

Amount donated: £1,500 


Jersey Mencap 

Book Club @ the library. A new facilitator and volunteer have created a new energy and members want to expand the learning and activities at the book club They have developed a list of resources to help them achieve this. The money will be spent on specialist learning resources. 

Amount donated: £500* 


Acorn Enterprises 

Acorn Reuse Metal Recycling Project. Acorn are setting up a metal recycling project in the new Acorn Reuse donations centre in Trinity. The grant pays for tools needed for the metal recycling project: toolboxes, cordless screwdrivers, screwdrivers, magnets, and bits  

Amount donated: £450 


Jersey Heritage 

Website Accessibility Project. Jersey Heritage wish to make some immediate improvements to our website to improve the accessibility issues. They aim to invest in the UserWay app which will immediately help users with impairments. 

Amount donated: £490 


Autumn 2021


Jersey Mencap 

Social clubs for adults living with family carers. The funds will support a programme of health, wellbeing and respite opportunities including fitness, yoga, zumba, walks, day trips and indoor activities. 

Amount donated: £500* 


Sanctuary Trust 

To help with the renovation costs of the property to enable the safe accommodation of a further six bedrooms and a therapy room for homeless men. 

Amount donated: £1,000* 



Helping to make the island’s beaches accessible to all. Funds will support purchase of new accessibility equipment/storage at St Brelade’s Bay. 

Amount donated: £2,000* 


Jersey Child Care Trust 

Special Needs Inclusion Programme - to enable and support the inclusion of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to access mainstream private nurseries in Jersey.  

Amount donated: £960 


Friends of Mont a L'Abbe School 

Enhancing the outdoor area by replacing learning toys/equipment to help children engage with each other and learn new skills.  

Amount donated: £500* 


Spring 2021

Healing Waves

To purchase new inflatable SUP boards for use by the athletes. This will enable more people to be supported by the charity’s activities.

Amount donated: £1,000*


Beresford Street Kitchen

To purchase a new Adobe design suite to improve opportunities for 46 crew with learning disabilities and autism, in the print works and in turn provide a better service to the community.

Amount donated: £599*


Highlands College

Creating an outdoor wellbeing area to offer outdoor counselling / group support work to students. Funds will be used for plants, shrubs and art resources to decorate the area.

Amount donated: £500


The Inclusion Project

To fund a minibus for young people with additional needs and disabilities attending the Inclusion Project, so that parents don't have to worry about transport.

Amount donated: £400