Health and wellbeing
The health and wellbeing of our islanders is so important, so we're always happy to support causes that hep people lead happier, healthier lives. See how our Community Fund has helped local projects in Jersey.
Autumn 2023
Mustard Seed
Requiring assistance with supermarket products to complete the filling of the boxes. Funding would be spent on providing items of food as per the requirements and guidelines of Mustard Seed.
Amount donated: £400
Citizens Advice Jersey
Purchase a branded gazebo as we are currently unable to attend outdoor events, banners, pens, keyrings, bunting, colouring pencils, as these items will encourage engagement and spread our charity awareness around.
Amount donated: £1,500
Jersey action Against Rape
To further support our clients at the end of their healing journey Jersey Action Against Rape would like to offer Self-care Tool Kits to gift to clients at their last counselling session. The Self-care Tool Kits would include soothing, calming items to empower clients to practice techniques they have learnt during their healing journey, including candles, affirmation cards, journals, fidget spinners etc.
Amount donated: £1,650
Jersey Recover College
JRC regularly takes part in community outreach events. The purpose of these events is to offer support to the community around mental health and to increase awareness of our free-to-access services. We have been using an unbranded white gazebo without sides or a back until now. This means people don't recognise the charity and it limits how much people approach us to get support or to find out more. It also leaves us open to poor weather.
Amount donated: £1,600
Tiny Seeds
The funds would be spent on the running costs of the workshops to include venue, refreshments, and materials. We have allowed a budget of £25 per person and a suggested group of 12 people per session, with sessions running every 3 months. Costs are based on prices sought from local companies offering candle making and wreath making workshops. Any additional costs would be covered by the Charity.
Amount donated: £1,200
Spring 2023
Family Nursing and Home Care
Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) run the Child Measurement Programme (CMP) in Jersey. As part of the CMP, all reception age children have their hearing checked which is so important because hearing impacts a child’s speech and language development, social skills and education. The CMP rely heavily on FNHC’s two existing audiometers to perform hearing tests, and they're now in need of replacement.
Amount donated: £1,950
Jersey Recovery College
This application is for kitchen supplies for Jersey Recovery College's new office. This is a hugely beneficial move for the organisation as they've been in temporary offices for the last year. This new office will also have a training room, meaning they can deliver courses there. The second part of the application is sponsorship for an 80's night they're running in September, to raise valuable funds for the charity. All money raised will go towards keeping their mental health community courses free.
Amount donated: £926
Jersey Association of Home Educators
Whilst some families make the choice to home educate, others home educate due to the additional learning needs of their children and have no other alternative. This funding will go towards holding an annual sports and community day, in collaboration with Sports Bug, for children who are home educated. The grant will be used for the hire of the sports field, the time and costs for the Sportsbug company as well as healthy snacks, refreshments for the children.
Amount donated: £500
Friends of the Jersey Neonatal Unit
It's a Knockout and Family Fun Day is a charity event taking place on 9th and 10th September 2023. It involves over 700 contestants taking part in the 'Knockout games' and the Family Fun Day is open to the general public so that they can view the contestants taking part in the games, while enjoying various family activities. The money will be used towards the costs of hiring bouncy castles and other fun activities for families to enjoy together. If these costs are covered, 100% of all money raised at the family event can go directly to the charity.
Amount donated: £2,000
Oxygen Therapy Jersey
Oxygen Therapy Jersey need marketing equipment and supplies that they can use at multiple events throughout the year to help raise funds and awareness and increase the work they can do. This includes indoor and outdoor banners, tablecloths (with and without logos), logo pens pencils and bunting that will be used at various events including The Boat Show, Gorey Fete and Pride.
Amount donated: £1,200
Autumn 2022
Autism Jersey
Mindfulness Workshops for Parent / Carers. These workshops are designed for parents / carers of autistic individuals. These sessions will help with day-to-day life, help support with coping strategies for day-to-day and the reduction of anxiety they may feel. £1000 will enable them deliver 20 sessions for parent / carers - online and face-to-face. Approx. 10 adults attending each session
Amount donated: £1,000
Nature Base
Pop Up Nature Play in the Park: To run ‘Pop Up’ Nature Play/ Forest School sessions in Millbrook Park woodland for families to access for free cultivating positive nature connection, holistic well-being and healthy child development. Funding will be used on our Forest School Explorer pack – Resource planning pack supporting exploration and imaginative outdoor play with social and communication skills.
Amount donated: £2238
Trinity Football and Social Club
One-off pitch patch up : The pitch at Riley Field is poor and suffered from water-logging last winter and drought this summer The JFA have reported that the pitch may become too dangerous to use. We are seeking funding to buy grass seed to improve the usability of our pitch and reduce any risk of injury so that our boys and girls can play safely throughout the winter.
Amount donated: £945
GROW Jersey, operating under NPO Thrive Jersey
Accessible picnic benches : GROW Jersey offers social and therapeutic horticulture while providing education and awareness on issues such as the climate emergency, biodiversity loss, and soil management. It also helps people who struggle to afford healthy food by growing fruit and vegetables. Funding is for 4 picnic tables from the La Moye prison workshop for our volunteers and community users.
Amount donated: £800*
NSPCC Jersey
Letting the Future In : etting the Future In is a ground-breaking therapeutic service run by NPSCC Jersey that helps children and young people rebuild their lives after the impacts of sexual abuse. The therapeutic sessions use a wide variety of art materials, toys and sensory resources, to explore and support their past emotions and future hopes within their journey to recovery. We are in need of key equipment, such as canvases, painting kits, sensory toys, in order to run these sessions
Amount donated: £2000
Brighter Futures, St Vincent de Paul and JAYF
To Provide Period Products to Women in the Community : Provide period products to vulnerable women, or women on very low incomes through the support services and food banks. £600 per organisation to allow them to purchase period products through the Co-op (at perhaps a discounted rate) to try and meet the ever-increasing need of their clients
Amount donated: £1800
Finni’s Ark Sanctuary
Animal therapy and education : Finni’s ark is an animal sanctuary that also provides animal therapy to anyone who may benefit. We would like to adapt a small van to make transporting our therapy animals to care homes schools etc.
Amount donated: £500
The Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Centres Trust
Lightening the Load : The Lightening the Load project provides a safe space for people to talk to our psychologist or a chance to practice relaxation and mindfulness. The funding will contribute towards relaxation courses and 1-to-1 sessions, both of which are run by our Clinical Psychologist and Programme Team.
Amount donated: £1260
Spring 2022
Mont Nicolle School
School Garden and Pond. To develop the use of the school garden and pond to promote pupil wellbeing, outdoor learning and pupil enterprise. Also, will help to grow produce to sell in their honesty store and will be re-invested in the garden.
Amount donated: £350*
The Jersey Youth Trust
YES project - drop-in resources. The YES project is a service providing free confidential advice, guidance and counselling for young people under 25 years. They are in need of upgrading their furnishings / layout of the drop-in centre to ensure it is comfortable, secure and welcoming for young people to access the service.
Amount donated: £2,500
Focus on Mental Illness
Family Work Intervention. Focus on Mental Illness provide evidence-based therapeutic family work to those affected by severe mental illness and their family members. Funds will help provide administration for both families, assessment for up to 12 people, and 12 sessions of family therapy for two families.
Amount donated: £2,200
10th Jersey (St. Brelade) Scout Group
First Aid: Youth Training. Purchase of a training version of the Group's new defibrillator for the premises, so youth members can learn how to use a defibrillator should it ever become necessary.
Amount donated: £375
Jersey Hospice Care
Summer Garden Planting. This project will bring summer flowers to the garden to make it a beautiful space for people to enjoy and provide patients and their families a place to reflect, breathe and take a moment when they need it most.
Amount donated: £1,000*
Room 2 Talk Ltd
Future fundraising. To purchase equipment for future fundraising/awareness raising activities by attending markets/events etc to raise awareness of who we are and what we do
Amount donated: £1,300
Brook Jersey
Promotional items. Having recently moved to new premises, Brook are using the fund to help print professional leaflets, opening timecards, pens and other promotional items made up to distribute to young people and professionals.
Amount donated: £1,000
Oxygen Therapy (Jersey) Limited
16-25 Neurological Support Group. A support group for 16–25-year-olds with long term neurological conditions. The group meets twice a month, and the fund will help support with some offsite activities with the group throughout the year.
Amount donated: £1,400
Padel For All
Equipment Costs. Padel is a very new sport and Jersey is about to have one of the largest facilities in the UK. As it is a new sport, the funds will help to buy rackets and other equipment which is vital for the club to be able to run our schools' programs, so all children can play and enjoy the sport regardless of any social standing.
Amount donated: £1,000
Jersey Cheshire Home
Dinamap Monitor. The Dinamap Monitor is used by Hospital teams and is licenced under the medical law for delivering the right and accurate readings of the Human vital signs. The monitor is also capable of alerting the clinician/nurses to changes in the patient's condition or when it is unable to effectively monitor the patient's condition.
Amount donated: £1,476
Family First
Family Area. Family First support families whose children are receiving cancer treatment, teenagers with mental health illnesses as well as babies that are born prematurely. We would like to make our office more inviting and a bright and comfortable place for families to visit us.
Amount donated: £1,172
Autumn 2021
First Tower School
To buy equipment and furnishings for the nurture provision. Supporting the increasing number of pupils identified with social, emotional and mental health needs.
Amount donated: £800*
Gorey Youth Project
Supporting young people to refurbish and redesign a room in their youth club. The space will provide a calm environment and safe space in which to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Amount donated: £550
NSPCC Jersey
Support the NSPCC’s Pregnancy in Mind scheme, a preventative group work programme for parents-to-be who are experiencing or at risk of mild to moderate perinatal anxiety and depression.
Amount donated: £1,000*
Jersey Recovery College
To develop a short course for local people who have recently received a Cancer diagnosis, to support them proactively with their mental health.
Amount donated: £1000
Spring 2021
Jersey Action Against Rape
To produce of two podcasts to teach young people about consent and porn safety. It is hoped that the medium will help families start conversations around healthy sexual relations and pornography.
Amount donated: £960*
Jersey Cheshire Home
To purchase a new Isla Stand Aid from a local supplier, to enhance the lives of residents who can stand, but not necessarily walk.
Amount donated: £950
Jersey Employment Trust
To purchase equipment to support an increased demand for therapeutic services after the pandemic. The funds will be spent on new equipment for creative projects.
Amount donated: £720
Le Rocquier School PTA
To support the set-up of a new holistic emotional literacy programme and focused intervention for SEMH students. It is hoped this facility will help 30+ students per year.
Amount donated: £650
Family Nursing & Home Care
To purchase Wendyletts sheets to reduce the risk of injury to nurses, carers and family members who may have to help patients change position, and to help make patients more comfortable.
Amount donated: £600*

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A diverse and inclusive society means a happier one, so we're committed to helping causes that promote this.
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Have a look at some of the social inclusion and accessibility projects we've supported at the Coop.
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Take a look at how our Community Fund has supported the ageing population in Jersey.
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