Blog and news

10 September 2018

Blood pressure awareness week, Know your Numbers! took place 10–16 September 2018. This national campaign aims to raise awareness of the risks of high blood pressure.

A blood pressure test is a simple way of checking if your blood pressure is too high or too low. At our Jersey Pharmacy Locales we are running a ‘Pressure Station’ where you can come and get a blood pressure check all year round. 

Why should we get our blood pressure checked?

Checking your blood pressure regularly is the only way to know if you have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Hypertension rarely causes any symptoms, so unless you get it checked you have no way of knowing if you have it.

Untreated high blood pressure leads to stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and heart failure.

Accurate blood pressure measurement is therefore vital in the prevention and treatment of blood-pressure-related diseases.  It is not necessary to check your blood pressure every day, but getting it checked a few times a year will help identify hypertension.

How your Pharmacy Locale can help

Pop into any of our Jersey Pharmacy Locale stores all year round for a blood pressure check.

The pharmacist will provide advice on your reading and you are also able to receive a copy if you wish to share it with other health care professionals.

A Pharmacy Locale colleague noting down the results of a blood pressure check

Supporting our community's heart health all year round

Don’t worry if you didn't make it in during awareness week - just pop in and see us for expert advice and information!

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