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Little boxes making a big difference

11 September 2019

Our vision is to make a real difference to the communities we serve. Every day, it reminds us that sometimes all it takes are the smallest acts of kindness to make the biggest differences.

Small acts can make a difference

We are committed to supporting charities and causes that make a real difference to our local communities. We run a number of charity schemes throughout the year including a charity tin rota, donate your dividend and in-store events such as bag packing and collection days.

A simple act like placing a tin of soup in one of our donated goods baskets could mean one more local person in need has a warm meal that night.

Even doing something as small as putting some loose change in a bucket when a local charity is doing an instore bag pack could make all the difference to their cause.


Last Christmas, inmates at Jersey’s La Moye HMP made food donation boxes for Grand Marché St Helier and St Peter. The boxes were made in the prison’s carpentry training workshop. Now these boxes are filled with all sorts of wonderful goodies for local good causes.

How you’ve helped make a difference

During 2019 some brilliant local causes have been supported through our food donation boxes. One of those charities was Macmillan Cancer Support Jersey.

The charity participated in our scheme in February this year. They asked for small donations of tea, coffee and biscuits to ensure that people visiting them got the warm welcome they deserved.

Communications and events manager for the charity, Michelle Parker said: ‘We have been overwhelmed by the support from Co-op shoppers. The shoppers’ donations will make some delicious treats for our afternoon teas at The Oasis, our cancer support centre.

‘Macmillan Jersey is solely funded by sponsors and fundraisers, so we depend on the Jersey community to help us continue our work of supporting and empowering anyone in Jersey affected by cancer.’

Long supporters of the Guernsey Welfare Service

In Guernsey, boxes created especially for us by inmates at Les Nicolles Prison are collecting items throughout the year for Guernsey Welfare Service.

Since 1893, the Guernsey Welfare Trust have been supporting islanders in Guernsey in times of need. From single-parent families to pensioners, people with disabilities or long-term medical conditions to families on low incomes. The charity offers a lifeline to those who find themselves in tough circumstances.

Sue Le Friec, co-ordinator for the service, said: ‘Every item gifted is much appreciated and passed on to grateful clients. Many individuals and families in Guernsey struggle to make ends meet for a number of reasons and the extra food, as well as the knowledge that others understand their position, is of great value to them.’

Know a charity that would benefit from the scheme?

We are always striving to help as many local charities as often as we can through our charity schemes. We welcome nominations from our customers and members for a charity or cause that is close to their heart. 

If you know a charity that could benefit from our donated items box in Grand Marché St Peter, you can find out more about the donated goods basket scheme and apply via our quick online form.