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'Have your say' at our virtual Annual Meeting of Members

'Have your say' at our virtual Annual Meeting of Members

19 April 2021

The Channel Islands Co-operative Society is asking islanders to share their feelings about how the Society has supported them over the last year, how valued they feel as members and if they believe the retailer is doing enough in the community and for the environment, ahead of this year’s virtual Annual Meeting of Members (AMM).

Following the success of the Society’s virtual AMM in 2020, the first time the meeting has been held virtually in the Society’s 100-year history, this year’s meeting will take place online at 7:30pm on Tuesday 8 June 2021.

Mark Cox, CEO of the Society, said: ‘2020 was what can only be described as an unprecedented year, one which saw islanders having to make huge changes in their everyday lives. As a community retailer we listened to the type of support our members needed and tried our best to respond with new services, such as online shopping. Meanwhile we didn’t stop thinking about the environment, launching our refill stations in Grande Marche stores as well as continuing to pledge over £150,000 in support to more than 230 good causes within our island communities. But for us, the listening doesn’t stop, we want to encourage our members to engage with us and share their thoughts on how they feel we did and what we can do better in the future.

‘With the AMM taking place in June, we have launched a campaign to remind islanders to share their feedback and to engage with us. By receiving feedback and questions ahead of the AMM we can make sure our members, who are our shareholders, have a voice at that meeting. We can only continue to evolve our offering for the benefit of our membership if we have the opportunity to hear the feedback of those who we deliver our services to. As part of this we would also like to encourage more members to join us and have their say at the AMM.

‘Last year we held our first ever virtual AMM and following this we have had amazing feedback from members. They have commented on how well the concept worked and how much more accessible a virtual meeting is for those who want to attend but can’t physically get to the meetings, such as those with young children and more elderly members who find travel a challenge. From our perspective it is also great to be able to hold one AMM involving members from both Jersey and Guernsey at the same time, as opposed to hosting separate meetings on different days.’

Members can find out more about the AMM and how to attend by visiting www.channelislands.coop/AMM2021

Members can also engage with the Society through its social media channels at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.