Reduce Food Waste
Join us in our journey to reduce food waste, helping the environment while saving money.
Food waste is a serious environmental issue and we are on a journey to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030, as set out in our sustainability strategy. Food waste is not only costly to the environment, but also costs the average family hundreds of pounds each year. By working together to reduce our food waste we can reduce the environmental impact and save money.
Research from Love Food Hate Waste shows that simply buying loose produce can help cut down thousands of tonnes of food waste! Some days, you need just the right amount of tomatoes for your salsa; other days, a single pepper for your stir-fry. By opting for loose, you get exactly what you want—nothing more, nothing wasted.
And the best part? Less food waste means less strain on our planet, helping to protect precious resources and cut carbon emissions.
Top tips
- Choose what you'll use – Buy loose fruit and vegetables when you can, so less goes to waste and you save money along the way.
- Check your cupboards – Before you head out to do your food shopping, take a few moments to check your kitchen cupboards, fridge, and freezer so you only buy what you need. You might have a tasty ingredient tucked away that you forgot to use!
- Blend it, don’t bin it – Use up any fruit that’s almost past its best by making a delicious smoothie.
- Freeze it! Toast it! – If you’ve got an abundance of bread, put some in the freezer or toast it to revive it. We’ve also got a tasty bruschetta recipe in our zero waste recipes that could help you create a delicious snack!
- Bag it up – To keep pre-cooked or leftover meat fresher for longer, store it in an airtight bag in the fridge. Bonus tip – label it with the date you sealed it.
- Chill the fridge out – The ideal fridge temperature is between 0-5°C. Adjusting your fridge temperature could help keep your food fresher for up to three days longer.
You can make these lollies using just about any leftover soft fruit.
You can make these lollies using just about any leftover soft fruit.

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Crafted in portion-sized servings with a use-by dates as long as nine months, ensuring minimal waste.
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