A feast for the eyes, with enough Pimm's left for a glass or two
Serves 16  / 
Prep 30 mins  / 
Cook 1 hour


275g local unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing 275g caster sugar Zest of 1 orange 2 tbsp Pimm's 5 Coop British eggs 275g Coop self raising flour 1 1/2 tsp baking powder For the drizzle: 100ml Pimm's 100g icing sugar For the butter icing: 150g local unsalted butter, softened 150g icing sugar Juice of 1/4 orange 2 tbsp Pimm's To decorate: 1/2 orange 400g local or Coop British strawberries 1/4 cucumber handful fresh mint leaves;


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/Gas 4 2. Butter a deep, 20cm cake tin and line with greaseproof paper 3. Beat the butter, sugar, orange zest and Pimm's together 4. Add the eggs one at a time, with a bit of flour after each 5. Keep beating, gradually adding the rest of the flour and the baking powder 6. Spoon into the cake tin and bake for 30 mins, then cover the top with greaseproof paper and bake for another 20 mins 7. Leave to cool 8. Melt the Pimm's and icing sugar together in a small pan on a low heat, then gently bubble for about 10 mins to make a syrup 9. Prick the cake all over with a skewer 10. Pour most of the syrup over the cake and leave to cool 11. Beat the buttercream ingredients together until pale and fluffy 12. Cut the cake into 3 equal layers horizontally, then stack them on top of each other, spreading buttercream in between, ending with a layer of buttercream on the top 13. Decorate with fruit, cucumber, mint and the remaining syrup