
Simple pancakes

Simple pancakes
Master this simple pancake recipe then customise with your favourite toppings.
Serves 6  / 
Prep 40 mins  / 
Cook 5 mins


125g Coop plain flour 2 Honest Value eggs 300ml local semi skimmed milk 25g local unsalted butter, melted 1 tbsp vegetable oil 15-20g local unsalted butter;


1. Sieve the flour into a bowl. This helps take out any lumps in the flour and will add a little air to your pancake mix 2. Make a hole in the middle of the flour so that you can see the bottom of the bowl – this is called a well 3. Crack the eggs into a small bowl and then whisk the eggs with a fork 4. Pour the eggs into the well then stir the eggs with a fork and watch the flour fall into the egg - Don’t be tempted to bring the flour into the eggs, it will gradually fall in on its own 5. Once the egg mixture is quite thick, whisk in the milk and watch the flour fall gradually into the batter 6. Mix in the melted butter, cover and leave to stand for about 15 minutes 7. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat and add 1 tsp oil and a little of the butter 8. When warm, pour ladle of mixture into the pan and swirl to coat the base of the pan evenly 9. Fry for around 90 seconds, until golden on the bottom and bubbling on the surface 10. Flip over and fry for 1-2 more mins, until cooked through 11. Keep warm on a baking tray in the oven while you fry the rest, adding a little more oil to the pan as needed 12. Customise with your favourite toppings and enjoy