
Baked croissant French toast

Baked croissant French toast
Set an elegant table for this indulgent Mother’s Day breakfast
Serves 2  / 
Prep 15 mins  / 
Cook 45 mins


2 Coop croissants, quartered 275ml local semi-skimmed milk 2 Co-op British eggs 25g caster sugar 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon Zest of 1/2 orange 5g Coop Fairtrade dark chocolate, grated 200g Coop frozen mixed berries 1 tbsp Coop clear honey 1 tbsp fresh orange juice;


1. Preheat the oven to 170°C/fan 140°C/Gas 3 2. Arrange the croissants in a medium baking dish 3. Beat the milk, eggs, sugar, ground cinnamon and half the orange zest in a jug 4. Pour over the croissants, then sprinkle over the grated chocolate 5. Bake for 45 mins, until golden 6. At the end of cooking, gently heat the berries, honey, remaining zest and orange juice in a pan for 5 mins, stirring regularly 7. Drain any excess liquid and serve with the croissants