Atlantic Hotel head chef, Will Holland is inspired by an Eastern European dish for this colourful risotto.
500g Risotto rice
250g Cooked beetroot
100g Smoked ham
150g Natural yoghurt
1 Stock cube
Dried dill (optional);
1. Dissolve the stock cube in 2 litres of boiling water.
2. Place the rice in a sauce pan and add a ladleful of stock. Place over a medium heat and stir continuously. When all the stock has been absorbed, add another ladleful of stock. Repeat the process until you have added all the stock and the rice is cooked (this will take approximately 20 minutes).
3. Place half the beetroots and any beetroot juice in a blender (or use a smoothie maker) and liquidise until smooth. Add to the risotto.
4. Dice the remaining beetroot and add to the risotto. Season to taste with salt and red wine vinegar.
5. Finely shred the ham and fry in a frying pan in a little vegetable oil until crispy.
6. To serve, spoon the risotto into warmed bowls, add a spoonful of yoghurt on top, sprinkle with dried dill and finish with crispy ham.
Recipe by Will Holland, head chef at the Atlantic Hotel as featured in the Jersey Evening Post, Family Meals for a Fiver series, 4 February 2023