Jen's Quiche Lorraine

Jen's Quiche Lorraine
There's a reason why quiche is a classic. Why not try Jen's from Beresford Street Kitchen recipe?
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250g ready-made shortcrust pastry 1 onion, finely chopped 4 rashes of streaky bacon 100g cheddar cheese 2 eggs 300ml milk 1 tablespoon of oil Paprika Salt and pepper 1.2 litre vegetable stock;


1. Roll out the pastry to line an 8-inch quiche tin. Make sure it is placed to fit just above the sides of the tin because the pastry shrinks as it cooks. 2. Fry the onion and the bacon in a frying pan for a few minutes, until softened, then spread evenly over the pastry. 3. Sprinkle half of the cheddar over the bacon mixture. 4. Beat the eggs and milk and season, then pour over the cheese and bacon mixture. 5. Sprinkle the remaining cheese and a little paprika on the top. 6. Bake in a moderate oven, 190°C gas mark 5, for 40–45 minutes 7. Serve hot or cold with a mixed salad. Recipe by Jen, chef at Jersey social enterprise, Beresford Street Kitchen as featured in the Jersey Evening Post, Family Meals for a Fiver series, 25 February 2023 *Prices correct at time of print