New york deli pastrami sandwich

New york deli pastrami sandwich
Looking for really fast food? You can whip up this classic American lunch in just 5 minutes.
Serves 1  / 
Prep 5 mins  / 


1 rye bloomer, or other bread of your choice 1 tsp mustard 2 slices Co-op pastrami beef 2 thin slices Swiss cheese, or other hard cheese 1 ripe tomato, thinly sliced Lettuce leaves 2 tsp mayonnaise To serve, crisps of your choice (optional);


1. Cut 2 slices from the bloomer, or bread of your choice, and spread a little mustard over one slice 2. Top with the pastrami beef, Swiss cheese or other hard cheese, tomato slices and a few lettuce leaves 3. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the other slice of bread and put on top of the sandwich 4. Cut in half and serve with crisps, if you like