Bacon and chickpea stew

Bacon and chickpea stew
A tasty, warming dinner after a long day, this filling dish is ready in just 15 mins — and ideal for freezing
Serves 2  / 
Prep 5 mins  / 
Cook 15 mins


4 rashers Co-op Irresistible smoked back bacon chopped 1/2 x 400g can chickpeas, drained 400g can Co-op chopped tomatoes with herbs 100g spinach;


Put 2 tsp olive oil in a pan and fry the chopped bacon for around 3 mins until cooked and starting to turn golden Add the chickpeas and tomatoes with herbs and pour in 200ml water Cover and simmer for 10 mins over a low to medium heat Stir in the spinach and cover the pan again Allow to wilt, then serve