
Poached pear tart with orange crème fraiche

Poached pear tart with orange crème fraiche
Round off your dinner in style with this elegant, delicious dessert
Serves 8  / 
Prep 1 hour 20 mins  / 
Cook 15 Mins


375g pack ready rolled shortcrust pastry 250g golden caster sugar 70cl bottle red wine 2 cinnamon sticks 2 star anise 1 large orange, ½ peeled and ½ zested 4 small Local pears, peeled 300g Coop reduced fat crème fraîche 100g Coop double cream 1 vanilla pod, split lengthways and seeds scraped out 40g icing sugar, sieved, plus extra to serve 20g pistachios, finely chopped;


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/Gas 4. 2. Use the pastry to line a 35cm x 12cm loose-bottomed tart tin, then trim the excess pastry. Leave in the fridge for 15 mins. 3. Line the pastry with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans. Bake for 15 mins, then remove the paper and beans, and increase the heat to 200°C/fan 180°C/Gas 6. 4. Bake for another 15-20 mins, or until golden and firm on the bottom. Leave to cool completely. 5. Put the sugar, wine, cinnamon, star anise and orange peel in a pan over a medium heat then stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the pears and poach gently for 25-30 mins, until tender. 6. Drain, leave to cool, then cut each one in half and remove the core. 7. Whisk the crème fraîche, cream, vanilla seeds, icing sugar and orange zest together until thick. 8. Spoon into the tart case, then top with the pears Chill for at least 2 hours, then scatter with the nuts and icing sugar to serve.