
Vegan burgers

Vegan burgers
Vegans don't need to miss out on tasty burgers with our easy recipe
Serves 2  / 
Prep 15  / 
Cook 10


1 x 400g can kidney beans 30g wholemeal breadcrumbs 1 small carrot, peeled and grated 2 spring onions, finely sliced 40g Co-op canned sweetcorn 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tsp mild curry powder 2 tbsp Co-op plain flour 1 tbsp Co-op olive oil 2 burger buns Serve with houmous and salad;


Drain and pat dry the kidney beans Place in a large bowl and roughly mash with a potato masher Add the breadcrumbs, grated carrot, sliced spring onions, sweetcorn, garlic and curry powder to the bowl and mix together well Divide the mixture into 2, shape into large burgers, and coat with flour Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and fry the burgers for 4-5 mins on each side, over a medium heat, until golden Serve in a burger bun with a dollop of houmous and a crisp green salad.