Price Drop FAQs

Price Drop FAQs

Price Drop FAQs

What is price drop? 

We’re dropping the prices of hundreds of everyday essentials and favourites 

Price Drop is our new initiative to invest in the base price of hundreds of everyday staples to bring down their prices. You’ll benefit from lower prices across most areas of the store, from toiletries to dairy products, ready meals and lots more. On average, these items will be 10% cheaper.


How does it work? 

Hundreds of everyday items have dropped in price. This is not a promotion or reward, it’s simply new, lower prices.


How will I know what has a price drop?  

All products included in the new pricing system will be signposted with ‘price drop’ symbols in store so that you can easily see which items have been reduced. You can also view the full list here.


Is this for all customers? 

Yes. These prices are available to all Members and customers of the Channel Islands Coop.


What items does this apply to? 

We’ve dropped the price of hundreds of products. View the full list here.


Will the prices be the same online?  

Yes! Whether you shop in-store or online, you’ll still be able to take advantage of the price drops.


Can I use my gift voucher alongside this discount? 

You may use your Coop Gift voucher towards the cost of the shop as a form of payment.


Will I still get my member Dividend? 

Absolutely. Every Member will continue to accrue their Dividend each time you shop at your Coop. 


Why is the Coop dropping prices? 

We’re constantly doing what we can to offer the best possible value to our Members and customers and we’re thrilled to be able to invest in price on hundreds of everyday staples.  

We appreciate that many islanders are finding island-life and the cost of living expensive right now, so we’re constantly reviewing our pricing and promotional offers to ensure we can offer the best possible value to our customers.  

By dropping the price of some essential groceries and household favourites, we hope to reach as many of you as possible with tangible savings on your monthly grocery bill.