
Healthy eating

Healthy eating

It can sometimes seem a mission to get you and your family eating healthy and trying to reach the recommended 5 a day target.

That’s why we want to help take the hassle and confusion away and make it easier to make healthy choices.

Eatwell guide

Your body needs the right balance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in order to stay healthy. The Eatwell guide shows us how much we should eat from each of the food groups to get the balance right.

Download our handy healthy eating guide for more information

Eatwell guide showing the recommended proportions of each food group

Fruit and vegetables – getting your five a day

Eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day provides your body with vitamins, minerals and fibre. It’s easier than you might think to get your 5 a day.

How can I get my 5 a day?

  • Try to fit in a piece of fruit or vegetable into almost every meal or snack.
  • Don’t forget that raw, cooked, canned and frozen vegetables, frozen and dried fruit and fruit canned in natural juice all count towards your 5 a day.
  • 100% pure fruit juice and smoothies also count. The recommendation is 150ml portion per day as fruit juice is high in sugar.
  • Keep your diet interesting by eating a variety of fruit and vegetables.

For more advice on getting your 5 a day, download our ‘5 a day’ guide