Social inclusion and accessibility
Encouraging social inclusion and increasing accessibility across our islands is so important for the community as a whole, so we love supporting projects that help make life a little bit easier and more enjoyable for everyone. Have a look at some of the social inclusion and accessibility projects we've supported below.
Autumn 2023
The Guernsey Indoor Bowling Association
The Terriers are a group of indoor bowls players with learning disabilities. For many reasons, many of the players and their families have limited resources and so their green fees (the amount it usually costs to play bowls for 2 hours each week) over the years have been kindly sponsored by other members or organisations. This amount would enable a full year of bowls to continue fully funded.
Amount donated: £2,000
Autism Guernsey
Creating an inclusive space for young people with Autism to explore friendships, social relationships, social inclusion, and social communication. Games to engage social interactions e.g., arts and craft material. multi game table e.g., pool table air hockey and football.
Amount donated: £500
Guernsey Dynamic Football Club (G.D.F.C)
We are a football club for athletes with learning disabilities. The whole amount of this would cover our training facility for the next calendar year.
Amount donated: £1,250
Friends of Citizens Advice
Last year the Friends of Citizens Advice had to move their shop because the Leale’s Yard project meant their previous premises were taken back. The new shop at Mont Arrive (old Bourgs Hospice shop) is a fantastic space, but there is no insulation between the floating ceiling and the corrugated iron roof. It is hot in summer and extremely cold in winter.
Amount donated: £1,500
Spring 2023
Guernsey Mobility Let's Go
Guernsey Mobility Let's Go deliver a range of sports and activities to a wide group of ages and abilities from various residential/day care homes and a local school. Once a year they bring all the school pupils together with all of their adults and build a mini Olympics day - this year it will be the "Island Games" theme. Funds will go towards hire of the hall, medals, awards and marketing.
Amount donated: £1,760
Grow limited
As part of their new build and ongoing commitment to their crew and adults with learning disabilities, Grow Limited are improving their knowledge of all areas of accessibility. They will train their part time facilities supervisor and training & development manager in the access audit course run by the GDA.
Amount donated: £800
Gsy child contact centre lbg
To make the contact centre safe and enjoyable to use, they will put down artificial turf, paint the walls with bright colours and diplay art work on the walls. They also want to purchase some outside toys for the children such as sand and water play and netball hoop.
Amount donated: £800
Autumn 2022
St Matthew's church Map group
Pedestrian access gate to church field: The grant will help provide a wooden gate in keeping with the rural aspect of the area and to clear a short path into the field from a safer entry point, to be accessible to the community including baby buggy and wheelchair users.
Amount donated: £500
Spring 2022
Guernsey Disability Alliance LBG
Accessibility -the benefits of improved accessibility in the community. For specialist training for GDA members to be able to talk to the media or make presentations or videos and sharing great accessibility stories from the community to encourage the island to improve accessibility and equality of access to everyday activities.
Amount donated: £1,500*
Headway Guernsey
Weekly cognitive and social session. A weekly session for members who are at greatest risk of isolation, due to their age and their brain injury. Costs applied for cover 1 session a week for a year.
Amount donated: £2,140
St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary School PTFA
Sensory Garden. To create a sensory garden within the grounds of our school. A sensory garden is all about stimulating and engaging the five basic senses of sight, smell, sound, touch and taste. Funds will be used to purchase outdoor musical instruments for our sensory garden.
Amount donated: £500
Liberate LBG
Liberate Art Club. An inclusive creative space to improve and maintain mental health, reduce isolation and loneliness and develop artistic skills. The money will be spent on art products to make art more accessible to our members (e.g. easels) and replenishing our stock.
Amount donated: £1,500
Guernsey Cheshire Home
Community Socialisation. To enable our residents to continue to socialise with the wider community by providing and maintaining the transport required for them to achieve, and benefit from, such socialisation. Funding would go to insurance and servicing of the vehicle.
Amount donated: £1,500*
Wigwam Support Group
Holiday Music Project. To run sessions for children in the holidays, each custom made for children's disability.
Amount donated: £1,600
Grow LTD
Relining of our Water Tanks. Grow Ltd has relocated temporarily (18 months), whilst our redevelopment happens but our new/temp site does not have a reliable water source and we are relying fully on the collection of rainwater. We will use any funds granted to us toward the upkeep and maintenance or our water tanks.
Amount donated: £1,000*
Autumn 2021
Health Connections LBG
Voluntary Community Transport Service - funds will go towards the annual licence fee for an IT system that enables the charity to more easily co-ordinate the service.
Amount donated: £1,000*
Guernsey Mobility Let's Go
Guernsey Mobility Lets Go group delivers sporting activity to people with various disabilities or mobility issues. The donation will help with the hire of community facilities.
Amount donated: £1,000*
Spring 2021
GROW Limited
Purchase of gardening equipment for the charity's training initiatives, teaching people with learning difficulties and disabilities skills in gardening and soft landscaping.
Amount donated: £695*

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A diverse and inclusive society means a happier one, so we're committed to helping causes that promote this.
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