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How Eco Fund helped Alderney Wildlife Trust

06 June 2018

We’re not the only ones to call the Channel Islands our home.

We share the privilege of these beautiful islands with a wide array of bird species.

Whether they’re seasonal visitors or established locals, all birds that flock to Alderney’s rocky shores are cared for by Alderney’s Wildlife Trust.

The jagged landscape of the cliffs and rocks provide many sea birds with a perfect nesting ground to live, breed and take flight in the high winds. Just like the native puffin.

But being able to observe these special birds in their natural habitat without disturbing them is a challenge.

The Alderney Wildlife applied to our Eco-fund and asked for funding to go towards purchasing a high-tech telescope to continue their observation programmes.

Explaining about the importance of monitoring, Claire Thorpe from the Alderney Wildlife Trust said:

“Continuing this work is important because it allows us to monitor how the seabirds in Alderney are doing and plan conservation or further monitoring efforts should there be a decline.”

This information not only benefits Alderney, but is able to be shared nationally in order to better educate the general public, other wildlife trusts and help ensure the preservation of all sea birds.

This is all possible thanks to you, our members and customers.

In 2017, the Society gave over £16,000 to local eco and environmental initiatives based right here in the Channel Islands.

“…Thanks to the Channel Islands Co-operative Society for generously giving us the money to purchase a new telescope, we will also be able work with the new Alderney Bird Observatory to watch for rare migrant seabirds and can inform people when these are spotted…”

- Claire Thorpe, people and wildlife officer at The Alderney Wildlife Trust.

Now, that really is making a difference.

Do you have an environmental project or activity that our Eco-fund could support? Find out more about the Eco-fund, and let us know how the Society can help your environmental project.