We are proud to announce that we are now accepting applications for members to join its board of Directors.
This opportunity means that eligible members can join the senior team and help shape future direction of the business.
The Coop has been at the heart of Island life for over 100 years and values its members for helping the retailer continue its support within the local community. Applicants with experience in the following areas are being called on: retail, IT, and e-commerce fulfilment. Members with strategic, financial, and commercial skills are also being asked to apply.
Jon Bond, Non-Executive Director and current Chair of the board at CI Coop, said: “As we continue to evolve with the ever-changing retail landscape, this is an incredibly exciting time to join our team. Not only will this position give Members a chance to bring new perspective to our Society, it also welcomes a unique opportunity for our customers to help us on our mission to making a real difference to our community.
Jon Bond, Non-Executive Director and current Chair of the board
“When we look at applications, we are seeking applicants who already have a deep commitment to our values and principles, have proven strategic, financial, and commercial skills, experience to help provide independent oversight to the Coop’s governance and preferably have senior leadership experience. We are looking forward to welcoming our latest board member and are confident that we will have some fantastic applications come forward.”
There are several requirements that members who want to stand for election must have:
- Being a member of the Society for at least two years
- In the cases of a joint account, be the first named party on that account
- Have spent a minimum of £1,300 across Coop stores between 10 January 2022 and 8 January 2023
- Are not currently a colleague of the Coop
Applications close on Friday 24 March 2023 at 7pm.
For more details on becoming a director, plus, the full list of requirements, the application process, and more about the Channel Islands Coop can be found at: www.channelislands.coop/becomeadirector