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A little goes a long way for Family Nursing & Home Care

05 October 2021

Although big items with the expensive price tags have their uses, sometimes it’s the simplest things which make the biggest differences.

A small donation from our Community Fund helped local Jersey charity, Family Nursing & Home Care to fund a simple piece of equipment to help them continue doing their amazing work in our community.

More than just useful 

They make look ordinary, but these special sheets known as ‘Wendyletts are essential to the team at Family Nursing & Home Care. Debbie Farley, Fundraising Manager explained the need for the WendyLetts.

‘The WendyLetts sheets primarily help reduce friction which can cause pain, pressure ulcers and damage to skin. 

‘But even more than just being comfortable for patients, the sheets reduce the risk of injury to nurses, carers and family members who may have to help the patient change position.’ 

And, the sheets also bring a sense of dignity for patients.

A gesture of help during tough times 

With the Co-op Community Fund, Family Nursing & Home Care were able to purchase several sheets for patients in the community. 

Patients would normally have to self-fund for these sheets, but thanks to the Co-op Community Fund, we can offer them free. It really is a help to the patients, especially during such a difficult time for them and their loved ones.’ 

It may appear small, but for patients who may be receiving end of life care, it does make a huge difference to them and their families. 

This Community Fund donation shows that not all projects have to be large to make a real difference to our community.

Are you part of a project which helps make a real difference to our islands’ communities? Apply to the Co-op Community Fund today.

Images: Photos of Family Nursing & Home Care Jersey training with the new Wendylett sheets. Credit - Callum Thorne