Blog and news

13 February 2019

The children at Rouge Bouillon School were all excited about getting stuck in for this year’s Genuine Jersey Royal Potato Growing competition.

Last week, the Year 3 and 4 classes had a special launch assembly where they received their Jersey Royal planting kits and began carefully planting their ‘mummy potatoes’. They’re hoping that in a few months’ time, their buckets will be full of Jersey’s most famous export.


Photos courtesy of Genuine Jersey. 

It may seem like all fun and laughter for the children who enjoyed getting muddy, and squirmed with disgusted delight that the fertiliser is actually dried chicken poo, but behind it all, there’s a strong educational message and a lesson in local heritage.

Our history with the Genuine Jersey competition

We proudly teamed up with Genuine Jersey for the potato growing competition 5 years ago. Since then, we’ve worked with them to ensure that all primary schools in the island get a chance to take part in this activity and learn about local farming and produce.

We’re passionate about supporting this initiative because we want to help local youngsters to understand where their food comes from (before it appears on our supermarket shelves). And to ignite excitement and pride in local produce that is unique to our island.

This year, we are proud to have helped give out an amazing 403 growing kits. The kits contain everything needed to grow a crop of Jersey royals: compost, fertiliser, seed tubers (AKA mummy potatoes) and a bucket!

That’s a whole island of schools and a young generation getting hands-on learning about where our food comes from and how plants grow, as well as lessons in local agriculture and history.

But what we’re most proud of is seeing the children enjoying this learning experience and being able to share their excitement with families and friends about our famous potato and how it is grown.

That’s quite a lot from just one little potato!

To all the islands’ schools and classrooms caring for their little crop of Royals, we wish you all the very best of luck, and happy growing!

Pictured: Genuine Jersey's Peter Tabb, Co-op Membership and Community Manager, Katey White, and Headteacher Russel Price.