Cookie dough pancakes

Cookie dough pancakes
Try adding crumbled cookies to your fluffy pancakes for an American-inspired dessert
Serves 4  / 
Prep 10 mins  / 
Cook 20 mins


150ml natural yogurt 150ml local semi-skimmed milk 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1 local egg yolk 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 160g Coop plain flour 4 Coop chocolate chip cookies 1 tsp vegetable oil 10g local unsalted butter Coop Irresistible Venezuelan chocolate ice cream Coop Irresistible Fairtrade espresso coffee;


1. Put the natural yogurt, milk, vanilla and egg yolk in a bowl, setting aside the white 2. Add the bicarbonate of soda and plain flour and whisk until lump-free 3. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg white until stiff and fluffy 4. With a large metal spoon, fold it into the batter 5. Crumble the cookies and gently fold into the batter taking care not to knock too much air out of it 6. Heat 1 tsp vegetable oil and 10g unsalted butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium low heat 7. Add a quarter of the batter and cook for 2-3 mins on each side, flipping in between 8. Keep warm on a plate while you cook 3 more pancakes, topping up with 1 tsp vegetable oil, if needed 9. Serve with a scoop of chocolate ice cream and an espresso coffee on the side, if you like