Honey minted leg of lamb

Honey minted leg of lamb
Serve with fresh seasonal greens for a beautiful dish that celebrates spring
Serves 6  / 
Prep 40 mins  / 
Cook 2 hours


1 Co-op British leg of lamb (about 1.8kg) 1 bunch fresh mint, leaves only 2 tbsp Co-op clear honey 2 tbsp cider vinegar 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tsp dried rosemary 2 tsp sunflower oil Freshly ground black pepper 600g spring greens;


1. Remove the lamb from the fridge 30 mins before you’re ready to cook it 2. Preheat the oven to 190°C/fan 170°C /Gas 5 3. Finely chop the mint leaves and put in a bowl with 2 tbsp boiling water 4. Stir in the honey and vinegar, and set aside 5. Mix the garlic with the rosemary and sunflower oil, then make 12 short, deep cuts in the skin of the lamb with a knife 6. Press the garlic and rosemary mixture into the cuts, place the lamb in a roasting tin, and season with black pepper 7. Roast for 1 hr 55 mins for pink meat, or 2 hrs 20 mins for well done, basting with the meat juices every 20-30 mins 8. When cooked to your liking, remove from the oven, cover loosely with a piece of tin foil and leave to rest for 15 mins 9. While the lamb is resting, cover the bottom of a pan with water and heat until simmering 10. Add the spring greens, put the lid on and steam for 5 mins until just tender 11. Carve the lamb, then serve with the spring greens, and the mint sauce spooned over